Shawn Gorsline, PT, DPT

Shawn Gorline is a physical therapist in Petersen' Physical therapy's Maricopa office.

Shawn is the Director of Rehabilitation in our Maricopa, AZ physical therapy office. He earned his Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT) from Franklin Pierce University in Goodyear.

Shawn has a strong sports and orthopedic background and was a previous NCAA baseball pitcher. As a previous physical therapy intern with the Cleveland Indians, he has also worked with many collegiate and professional athletes.

Shawn has a special interest in Manual Orthopedic Physical Therapy. He grew up in Freeport, Illinois, and moved to Arizona for PT school, where he stayed to further his career.

In his free time, Shawn enjoys spending time with his wife, dog, and playing softball.

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