Ed Hardy earned his Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology at Arizona State University in 2012. He earned his Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT) in 2016 at Midwestern University in Glendale, Arizona.
Since graduation, he has taken an interest in Orthopedic Physical Therapy and has a history of working with Neurological disorders and is versed in the LSVT “Big” Program. He also has an interest in the Geriatric population.
In 2016 he was a coauthor of a peer reviewed published abstract that was presented at Exercise and Physical Activity in Aging Conference II (ExPAAC) titled Mobility and Fall Risk Characteristics of Older Adults Residing in Assisted Living Facilities. He is also certified to perform research-based FCEs through Ergoscience Physical Work Performance Evaluation (PWPE) – a protocol that emphasizes standardization, objectivity, reliability, and validity in clinical measurement for industrial rehabilitation and disability claims.