Neurological Physical Therapy Near Tempe, Mesa, Maricopa

Our physical, occupational, and speech therapists offer customized treatment plans for patients with neurological conditions. Petersen Physical Therapy offers neurological rehabilitation physical therapy near east mesa in our location at Power & Brown in Mesa.

What is neurological rehabilitation

Neurological rehabilitation is a specialized service that focuses on rehabilitating injuries, diseases, and disorders that affect the nervous system. These disorders are often debilitating and affect the individual’s quality of life in a major way. It can be a very complex process involving numerous modalities and techniques:

  • Speech therapy can be used in stroke patients and those with other disorders to aid in voice disorders, dysphagia (swallowing disorders), articulation disorders, and stuttering disorders.
  • Interactive metronome therapy is used to help the patient regain control over motor functions by rhythmically repeating exercises or motions.
  • Neurofeedback – a modality using real-time displays of brain activity in order to facilitate self-regulation of brain function. This has been shown to aid stroke survivors in maintaining positive changes in brain activity after treatment.
  • Brain Mapping (qualitative EEG or qEEG) is used to determine brain function and aid in neuro rehabilitation for stroke and other issues.
  • EMG Biofeedback as an adjunct to therapy, in order to aid the patient in gaining control in the long term.
  • IMPACT testing to assess the patient’s readiness to return to activities.

Petersen Physical Therapy works with patients with many different neurologic conditions. Our rehabilitation programs incorporate a multi-disciplinary approach that makes us different than many other neurological rehabilitation facilities. Here is a list of the conditions we treat in our physical therapy sessions:

  • A.L.S.
  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Autism
  • Balance disorders
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Concussion
  • Dyspraxia
  • Guillain-barre
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Sesory processing disorder
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Stroke / CVA
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Vertigo

Our custom treatment plans provide you with an individualized path to recovery as well as home exercises you can continue to do for years to come to maintain our recovery and health.

Petersen’s east Mesa location, Neuro & Brain Performance Centers, offers all the services listed above, including neurological physical therapy, neurological occupational therapy, and speech therapy services.

Please call us if you or a loved one is in need of neuro rehab near east Mesa.

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